Events in 2021
Due the "Corona rules" our plans were considerably changed.
Jan 27: holocaust day
The planned event in and around the synagogue had to be cancelled.
Michael Blume, who is the "Antisemitismusbeauftragter der Landesregierung", had promised to give a speech.
He send a short greeting, which can seen (sadly in German)
Grußwort von Michael Blume
Michael Blume, der Beauftragte der Baden-Württembergischen Landesregierung gegen Antisemitismus, wollte anlässlich des Holocaust Gedenktages eigentlich zu einem Vortrag in die Synagoge kommen.
Dies war wegen der Corona-Einschränkungen leider nicht möglich.
Er hat uns freundlicherweise ein kurzes Grußwort geschickt.
Sept 12: Open Monument Day
Day of Open Monuments 2021
"European Heritage Day" and Day of Open Monuments is on Sunday, September 12, 2021.
The synagoge is open from 11 am to 5 pm.
We will show the original bench from the synagogue.
At 4 pm Mr. Böttcher, our restorer, will speak about his work and the concept for restoring the bench.
September 30: Members' meeting
Members' Meeting 2021
We invited all members for this year's members' meeting on Thursday, October 7, 2021 at 7:30 pm in the Steinsfurt syngogue.
The elections to the board were on the agenda.
Another point was the creation of a "life-time membership".
We also presented an original bench from the synagogue.
Tora Reading
The Tora-reading had to be cancelled.